Keep the air con unit running efficiently and smoothly by ensuring regular cleaning

Unless your air con unit is appropriately cleaned, it is likely to spew mould spores and bacteria into the air every time the machine is turned on. Breathing in this contaminated air can especially be harmful to people with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. Hence, going for professional Aircond service and cleaning from time to time is highly critical.

As the air filters become dirty and get clogged, the normal flow of air is impeded. This makes the HVAC unit work harder than it should. Moreover, as dust covers your evaporator coil, its ability to absorb heat gets hampered, with further impedes its efficiency in cooling down your home. By reducing the stress and pressure caused by dust and debris build-up on the unit, professional Aircon cleaning allows your cooling system to perform more efficiently.

Leaving the air con unit running in a dirty state may lead to bigger problems in the future, and may even cause a complete failure of your unit. As the system gathers more dirt and dust, it shall become more difficult to clean, leading to costly services of Air con troubleshoot KL and even parts replacement.  


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