When to go for air con cleaning

Availing timely Aircond service is important to maintain the performance and efficiency of the machine. The frequency at which you must clean the system would depend on multiple factors, including its usage and environment. Availing Aircon Basic cleaning services is especially important if you find the external vents of HVAC system is covered in mold and mildew. If you find mold on the external vents of the system when the machine is on, it would definitely indicate than you need to go for a cleaning.  By the time this microbial contamination can be visible on the external vent, the inside of the HVAC system might already be riddled with mold and its harmful spores.

Dust and dirt build-up in the filters is another sign that the Aircon cleaning is required. Such build-up of microbial contamination may prevent an air con unit from running at its optimum level. A dirty filter is often the first obvious sign that the system needs cleaning, and it should ideally be cleaned every 3 months if used regularly.

If a house is located in a dusty area or near construction sites then its air con unit may accumulate dirt and debris faster. In such cases, it is better to clean the unit more often to prevent clogs and maintain good air quality.


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